;file name: make sample (3D) ; ;======================= model new model large-strain on model title 'make sample granite' ; ;set domain extent model domain extent -0.1 0.1 ; contact cmat proximity 0.0 contact cmat default model linear method deform emod 60e9 kratio 1.5 fric 0.6 contact cmat default property dp_nratio 0.5 ;create walls that extend past the edges of the sample wall generate box -0.05 0.05 ;one wall model random 10001 ball distribute porosity 0.2 radius 0.001 0.0015... box -0.05 0.05 ball attribute density 2900 damp 0.7 ;calm the system model cycle 1000 calm 10 ;Solve the system to a target limit (here the average force ratio) ;Use density scaling to quickly reach equilibrium model mechanical timestep scale model solve ratio-average 1e-4 model mechanical timestep auto model calm ; ;Delete top wall ;Be careful to include the keyword 'wall' or else all facets will be deleted wall delete wall range id 2 model save 'unbonded sample' ;========================================================== ;eof; make_sample.p3dat