model new model title 'Triaxial Test' model random 10001 model domain extent -2 2 -2 2 -4 4 condition destroy model large-strain on model mechanical timestep scale [rad = 1] [height = 4] [segments = 6] [halfLen = height/2.0] [freeRegion = (height/2.0)*0.8] geometry edge create by-positions (-1 -1 -2) (-1 1 -2) (1 1 -2) (1 -1 -2) (-1 -1 -2) geometry generate from-edges extrude (0,0,[height]) segments [segments*2] structure shell import from-geometry 'Default' element-type dkt-cst structure node group 'middle' range position-z [-freeRegion] [freeRegion] structure node group 'top' range position-z [freeRegion] [freeRegion+0.4] structure node group 'bot' range position-z [-freeRegion-0.4] [-freeRegion] structure shell group 'middle' range position-z [-freeRegion] [freeRegion] structure shell property isotropic (2e7, 0.2) thick 0.04 model cycle 0 ;In order to use the STRUCTURE APPLY command ;set the local system of each structural ;element to be pointing to the center of the triaxial cell fish define setLocalSystem loop foreach local s struct.node.list() local p = struct.node.pos(s) local nid = local mvec = vector(0,0,comp.z(p)) zdir = math.unit(p-mvec) ydir = vector(0,0,1) command structure node system-local z [zdir] y [ydir] ... range component-id [nid] endcommand endloop command structure node fix system-local endcommand end [setLocalSystem] structure damp local structure node fix velocity rotation wall-structure create [rad2 = rad*1.3] wall generate name 'platenTop' polygon ([-rad2],[-rad2],[halfLen]) ... ([rad2],[-rad2],[halfLen]) ... ([rad2],[rad2],[halfLen]) ... ([-rad2],[rad2],[halfLen]) wall generate name 'platenBottom' polygon ([-rad2],[-rad2],[-halfLen]) ... ([rad2],[-rad2],[-halfLen]) ... ([rad2],[rad2],[-halfLen]) ... ([-rad2],[rad2],[-halfLen]) wall resolution full wall attribute cutoff-angle 20 model save 'first' model restore 'first' ball distribute box [-rad] [rad] [-rad] [rad] [-halfLen] [halfLen] ... porosity 0.3684 bin 1 radius 0.043 0.175 ball attribute density 2600 damp 0.3 contact cmat default model linear ... property kn 9.6e8 ks 3.84e7 contact cmat default type ball-facet model linear ... property kn 1e7 ks 1e7 model cycle 1000 calm 100 contact cmat default model rrlinear ... property kn 9.6e8 ks 3.84e7 fric 0.36 ... rr_fric 0.1 contact cmat default type ball-facet model linear ... property kn 1e7 ks 1e7 contact cmat apply model solve ratio-average 1e-5 model calm ball fix velocity spin model cycle 2 ball free velocity spin structure node free velocity rotation range group 'middle' [platenTop = wall.find('platenTop')] [platenBottom = wall.find('platenBottom')] [failureStress = 0] [currentStress = 0] [failureStrain = 0] [area = rad*rad*2*2] fish define stress local topForce = math.abs(comp.z( local botForce = math.abs(comp.z( currentStress = 0.5*(topForce+botForce)/area stress = currentStress strain = (height - (comp.z(wall.pos(platenTop)) - ... comp.z(wall.pos(platenBottom))))/height * 100 if failureStress <= currentStress failureStress = currentStress failureStrain = strain endif end fish define halt halt = 0 if currentStress < failureStress * 0.85 halt = 1 endif end fish define rampUp(beginIn,ending,increment) command ball attribute displacement (0,0,0) structure node initialize displacement (0,0,0) endcommand begin = beginIn loop while (math.abs(begin) < math.abs(ending)) begin = begin + increment command structure shell apply [begin] range group 'middle' wall servo force (0,0,[begin*area]) activate true ... range name 'platenTop' wall servo force (0,0,[-begin*area]) activate true ... range name 'platenBottom' model cycle 200 model calm endcommand endloop command model cycle 1000 wall servo activate false wall attribute velocity (0,0,0) range name 'platenTop' wall attribute velocity (0,0,0) range name 'platenBottom' endcommand end model save '11' model restore '11' [platenVel = 0.000003] model save 'beforeApplication' model restore 'beforeApplication' [rampUp(0,-1e5,-1e3)] model save 'to1e4' model restore 'to1e4' wall attribute velocity-z [-platenVel] range name 'platenTop' wall attribute velocity-z [platenVel] range name 'platenBottom' ball attribute displacement (0,0,0) structure node initialize displacement (0,0,0) fish history stress fish history strain model solve fish-halt halt model save 'triaxial1e4' [io.out(string(failureStress) + 'Pa ')] [io.out('at' + string(failureStrain) + '% strain')]