block tolerance corner-round-length 0.00001 ;create geometry top platen, rock sample, and bottom platen block create polygon 0 0 0 0.120 0.050 0.120 0.050 0.0 ;provide end coordinates of boundary block cut split 0.0 0.010 0.050 0.010 ;create split for bottom platen block cut split 0.0 0.110 0.050 0.110 ;create split for top platen ;generate voronoi blocks in the rock block cut vor edge 0.005 round 1.0E-5 range pos-x 0.000 0.050 pos-y 0.010 0.110 block joint-delete ;zoning of each block block zone gen edge 0.090 range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.00 0.010 block zone gen edge 0.090 range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.110 0.120 block zone gen edge 0.004 range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.010 0.110 block zone group 'topplaten' range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.00 0.010 block zone group 'bottomplaten' range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.110 0.120 block zone group 'rock' range pos-x 0.00 0.050 pos-y 0.010 0.110 ;defining contact properties block contact group 'contact1' range pos-x 0.000 0.050 pos-y 0.009 0.011 block contact group 'contact2' range pos-x 0.000 0.050 pos-y 0.109 0.111 block contact group 'contact3' range pos-x 0.000 0.050 pos-y 0.00099 0.1099 block contact cmodel assign area stiffness-normal 5.0e14 stiffness-shear 2.5e14 friction 0.001 range group 'contact1' block contact cmodel assign area stiffness-normal 5.0e14 stiffness-shear 2.5e14 friction 0.001 range group 'contact2' ;defining block model properties block zone cmodel assign elastic density 8250.00 young 200e9 poisson 0.30 range group 'topplaten' block zone cmodel assign elastic density 8250.00 young 200e9 poisson 0.30 range group 'bottomplaten' block zone cmodel assign elastic density 2300.00 young 24.00e9 poisson 0.240 range group 'rock' block contact cmodel assign area stiffness-normal 5.0e14 stiffness-shear 2.5e14 cohesion 20e6 tension 5e6 friction 20 range group 'contact3' block mechanical time 0 ;fixing bottom platen and applying velocity to top platen block gridpoint apply velocity-y 0 range pos-x -0.001 0.0505 pos-y -0.001 0.0101 block gridpoint apply velocity-y -0.01 range pos-x -0.001 0.0505 pos-y 0.110 0.120 ;creating history variables block zone history stress-yy 0.025 0.020 ;#1 block zone history stress-yy 0.025 0.100 ;#2 block zone history strain-xx 0.025 0.020 ;#3 block zone history strain-xx 0.025 0.100 ;#4