Category | Topics |
FLAC3DFLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, and back-analysis of failure.
FLAC2DFLAC2D is a 2D version of Itasca’s FLAC3D numerical modeling software. With a completely new user interface (UI) and new interactive tools to construct models and interpret result, FLAC2D is our easiest-to-use software. FLAC2D is the best solution to solve complex geotechnical problems for two-dimensional analyses of soil, rock, concrete, structural ground support, and groundwater flow.
FLACFLAC , Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two dimensions. FLAC is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to accommodate any kind of geotechnical engineering project that requires continuum analysis.
3DEC3DEC is a three-dimensional numerical modeling code for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, ground water, structural support, and masonry. 3DEC simulates the response of discontinuous media (such as jointed rock or masonry bricks) that is subject to either static or dynamic loading. The numerical formulation It is based on the distinct element method (DEM) for discontinuum modeling.
PFCPFC (Particle Flow Code) is a general purpose, distinct-element modeling (DEM) framework that is available as two- and three-dimensional programs ( PFC2D and PFC3D , respectively).
UDECThe Universal Distinct Element Code ( UDEC ) is a two-dimensional numerical program that simulates the quasi-static or dynamic response to loading of media containing multiple intersecting joint structures.
GriddleGriddle offers engineers and scientists both automatic, interactive, and easy-to-use surface meshing and volume grid generation capabilities for FLAC 3D , 3DEC , and many other engineering modeling formats, including ABAQUS, ANSYS, NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, VRML, and CSV. Griddle is a plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D (Rhino)* CAD software, leveraging the powerful CAD tools available in Rhino.
Wish ListThis category is for you to submit suggestions for new software features and capabilities.
HardwareThis category is for discussion of different hardware options for running Itasca software. Pros and cons of different processors, architectures and cloud offerings should be discussed here.
ARMA 2022This category is for participants in the ARMA 2022 design competition to discuss issues related to the design problem.
MINEDWMINEDW is a three-dimensional (3D), finite-element, groundwater flow program that was developed specifically for mining applications. MINEDW is used worldwide to design dewatering or depressurization systems, predict local and regional environmental impacts of mine dewatering, assist in the design of water-supply systems, simulate the infilling of a “pit lake” after mining ceases, and estimate pore-pressure distributions within highwalls for geotechnical design purposes. Its user friendly graphical interface with pre- and post-processing functionality provides a powerful numerical modeling environment.
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XSiteXSite is a powerful three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation program based on the Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) and Lattice methods.
KATSKATS (Kinematic Analysis Tools for Slopes) is a tool developed by Itasca that assesses instabilities caused by day-lighting wedges and planar failures formed when different structural sets interact with the orientation of a given slope. KATS main application is for bench-berm scale analysis, which is understood as a first step in the mining slope design process for moderate and competent rock masses. It is also possible to perform a kinematic analysis in inter-ramp scale.
IMATMining Toolbox for Numerical Modeling, Seismic Analysis, and more