Hi all,
I’d like to initialize a non linear distribution of elastic moduli in my FLAC slope model. In particular, I would like to vary the moduli according to the depth from the ground level considering a the top left-hand grid point (i.e., y(1,jgp)) as a reference point.
I’m therefore trying to write a fish function called “linear_mod” but I cannot understand why it’s not working. It seems that the script does not produce any variation of the modules within the group in which I would like this variation to take place.
Here is the script:
config creep thermal extra 5
;------------------------DOMAIN WITH UNIFORM MESH (5x5m)
; I'm generating a domain with negative coordinates because part of the slope
; is below sea level
grid 430 106
gen 0 -300 0 230 2150 230 2150 -300
mod el
gen line 0 230 1330 102
gen line 1330 102 1335 65
gen line 1335 65 2150 0
gen line 0 190 1335 65
ini x 1329.7183 y 102.10892 i 267 j 81
model null region 399,90
group sands region 3,101
group clays region 3,95
mod el group sands
prop den 2400 bulk = 1000 shear = 500 group sands
mod el group clays
prop den 2050 bulk = 2000 shear = 100 group clays
def linear_mod
loop i (1,izones)
loop j (1,jzones)
if z_group(i,j) = 'clays' then
yc = (y(i,j)+y(i+1,j)+y(i,j+1)+y(i+1,j+1))/4.0 ; Centroid of each zone
zc = y(1,jgp) - yc ; Depth of any zone centroid below the surface
xc = zc * Gn * K
bulk_mod(i,j) = Km * xc - Kq ; Bulk modulus
shear_mod(i,j) = Gm * xc - Gq ; Shear modulus
set Gn = 2050 K = 0.5 Km = 30 Kq = 50 Gm = 20 Gq = 40
I’m using FLAC v.8.
Can anyone tell me where I am wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance.