I have some questions when I do some simple test. The attached file is that I build a sliding model and try to use “block mech damp contact” command. I know what the friction angle is in the material. But I found the contact is different when I compared to the laboratory test. I want to reduce the normal contact by using “block mesh damp contact”. Here are my questions.
It takes a long time when I simulate only one block. Is there any other damping you can suggest me to use? Or is there any way to reduce the calculation time?
I have asked the sub-contact identify question before. Would the judgement become strange or error when I use rigid body in this case?
model new
model config dy lh
model large-strain on
block tolerance edge 0.00002
block create brick -1.9927 0 -0.2 2.3746 -0.2 0.2
;block cut joint-set dip 0 dip-direction 0 ori 0 1 0
;del range y 1 9999999999
;block create brick 310cos,0,thickness, 310sin+30cos, channel wide
block cut joint-set dip 60 dip-direction 90 ori 0 -0.15 0
;thickness 0.5 0.5cos
block delete range plane below dip-direction 90 dip 60 ori 0 -0.15 0
block cut joint-set dip 30 dip-direction 270 ori -1.9927 2.3746 0
block delete range plane above dip-direction 270 dip 30 ori -1.9927 2.3746 0
;hight 50cm 50*sec
block cut joint-set dip 60 dip-direction 90 ori 0 0.7778 0
block delete range plane above dip-direction 90 dip 60 ori 0 0.7778 0
mark region 4
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 0.15
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 -0.15
block hide range position-z -0.15 0.15
mark region 5
block hide off
block hide on range region 5
block cut joint-set dip 60 dip-direction 90 ori 0.00000 0.001 0.000000
block hide on range plane above dip 60 dip-direction 90 ori 0.00000 0.001 0.000000
mark region 1
block hide on
;;deposited area
block create brick 0 0.005 0 0.5 -1 1.01
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 0.15
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 -0.15
block delete range plane position-z -0.151 0.151
mark region 3
block hide on
block create brick 0 1.5 -0.1 0 -1.00 1.00
mark region 2
block hide on
block create brick 0 1.5 0 0.30 -1.005 -1.00
block create brick 0 1.5 0 0.30 1.00 1.005
mark region 3
block hide on
block hide off
block hide on range region 4
block join on
block hide on
block hide off range region 4
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 0.144
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 -0.144
block del range plane position-z -0.151 -0.144
block del range plane position-z 0.144 0.151
block hide on
block hide off region 4
block join on
block cut joint-set dip 60 dip-direction 90 ori 0 0.063391 0
block delete range plane above dip-direction 90 dip 60 ori 0 0.063391 0
block cut joint-set dip 30 dip-direction 270 ori -0.5000067 0.865987 0
block delete range plane below dip-direction 270 dip 30 ori -0.5000067 0.865987 0
block cut joint-set dip 30 dip-direction 270 ori -0.516069 0.893699 0
block delete range plane above dip-direction 270 dip 30 ori -0.516069 0.893699 0
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 0.016
block delete range plane above dip-direction 0 dip 90 ori 0 0 0.016
block cut joint-set dip 90 dip-direction 0 ori 0 0 -0.016
block delete range plane below dip-direction 0 dip 90 ori 0 0 -0.016
block hide off
model gravity 0 -9.81 0
block property density 1170 range region 1,2,3,5,7
block property density 2750 range region 4
block contact generate-subcontacts
block contact prop stiffness-norm=1e9 stiffness-shear=1e9 friction=17.8 range region 1,2,3,5,7
block contact prop stiffness-norm=1e9 stiffness-shear=1e9 friction=24.2 range region 4
block contact material-table default prop stiffness-norm=1e9 stiffness-shear=1e9 fric=17.8
block hide off
block fix range region 1 2 3 5
block mech damp contact betaffn 0.5 betavvn 0.5 betaven 0.5 betavfn 0.5 betaefn 0.5 betaeen 0.5
model solve time 3
program return