PH model - Plasticity indictation

with the PH model, the zone state indicate None if the deviator stress q is below the MC faillure criterion qf. The zone state indicate “shear-n” or “shear-p” only when q = qf
If I understand correctly, it is ready in shear plasticity when q > q0 eventhough q < qf. So with PH model “None” may inidcate elasticity, as in other elasto-plastic model, but it may also mean “shear” with q > q0 and q < qf. Is there anyway to visualise this plasticity state ?

In the PH model, the shear yield surface can be expanded to align with the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) failure surface. However, labeling this yielding state is less useful because any path with increasing deviatoric stress “q” (e.g., starting from zero deviatoric stress or isotropic stress) would enter this shear yielding state. Consequently, it is likely that almost every zone would eventually reach this state, making the labeling less valuable.

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