Greetings to all! I’m curious about how to obtain shear strains from particular zones by utilizing specified grid points. Can this be accomplished using LIST commands?
Furthermore, with over 30 strain commands available in 3DEC, which one allows us to obtain the Shear strain (%) and Maximum shear strain (%)? Additionally, could you explain the difference between “increment” and “rate” in this context?
ssi2 second strain increment invariant
ssideterm inant strain increment determinant
ssid eviatoric deviatoric strain increment
ssij2 second deviatoric strain increment invariant
The strain increment is calculated based on the displacement while the strain rate is based on the velocity.
In your case, it should be the strain increment. And you can get the maximun shear from the principal strain increments
Greetings, @Huy !
I appreciate your quick reply. Among the options listed earlier, could you kindly specify which one is more suitable for achieving maximum shear strain?
As mentionned earlier, you can get from the principal strain increment.
The maxinum shear strain is the difference between maximun and minimun principal strain increment.
So you need ssimax and ssimin
Hi @Huy
I appreciate your previous response. Following your advice, I aimed to acquire ssi values. I’ve written two simple FISH scripts to record strains during loading, with the goal of plotting shear strain against time. Regrettably, neither of these scripts is yielding the expected results. I have validated the accurate extraction of variables gp1, bi1, and z1, except for the ssi value, which stubbornly stays at zero. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be immensely valued.