The pushing force on the pile

I am using the FLAC2D for simulating my slope engineering, and during the task, I want to simulate the anti-slide pile with pile structure element.
The question is that: how can we obtain the pushing force acting on the pile element? and the anti-sliding force before the pile?

Hello Sullivan,

If you are applying a force you can get the pushing force from the FISH function struct.node.apply(). Information on the function can be found here - struct.node.apply ā€” Itasca Software 9.0 documentation

If you are interested in the generalized forces acting on an element you can use the FISH function struct.force.nodal(). Information on the function can be found here - struct.force.nodal ā€” Itasca Software 9.0 documentation

If you wish to monitor the pile force response while cycling, Iā€™d suggest using the structure pile history command and select the appropriate force keyword. (structure pile history command ā€” Itasca Software 9.0 documentation)

Gotcha!Thanks very much for your reply!