Rhino has very large set of commands to operate on 3D geometries. The full list can be found here: Command Quick Reference | Rhino 3-D modeling
The pdf document attached here outlines Rhino commands that are very often used by Itasca engineers when creating, modifying, and/or cleaning various types of geometries to prepare them for surface and volume meshing with Griddle 2.0.
If you often / heavily use other Rhino commands (not included in the list) to prepare your models for meshing, consider sharing information about them in this topic.
UsefulRhinoCommands_v2.pdf (155.6 KB)
Thanks for the great list.
Further useful commands:
SelBadObjects: Selects any “bad objects” which can result in problems during meshing later. Read about bad objects here: Fixing Bad Objects [McNeel Wiki]
Grasshopper: Visual programming language and environment, useful for people that might not be very well versed with python (or other programming languages you can use in Rhino).
Invert: Inverts the entire selection. Very usefull to hide everything but the object you are currently working on
FillMeshHoles: Next to “FillMeshHole”, tries to fix all holes in a mesh. Use with care as sometimes holes are not filled as desired
DeleteFaces: Deletes a mesh face. Can be used instead of “ExtractMeshFaces” and delete
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_VolumeCentroid: to create a center point of the bounding box created around an excavation that requires analysis in ITASCA software.
_ScaleNU: to scale up the bounding box created around the excavations of interest.
_ExtractPt: to create and extract 8 points at the edges of the bounding box required for setting up a boundary for you to assign a constitutive model like in the snapshot below.