Cannot set default contact model and properties simultaneously


While dealing with the default contact model, I made 3DEC unhappy (which was obviously not my intention :slight_smile:).

Setting default contact model and properties works fine when done separately, but dumps an error when done concurrently :

3dec>block contact material-table default jmodel mohr
3dec>block contact material-table default property stiffness-normal 10.e9
3dec>block contact material-table default jmodel mohr property stiffness-normal 10.e9
*** Property stiffness-normal not recognized by Joint model unassigned !
 Command aborted.
    While processing line 3 of source GUI Console.

Is it done on purpose or is it a slight bug?

Thanks a lot for your answer!

In theory, that should work. I’ll look at it.

Ok, thanks!

I forgot to mention I’m using latest version of 3DEC (v7.00.148).

OK - this is fixed. The fix will be in a future update.

Great, thanks a lot!

Problem fixed, then. I wanted to edit the topic name as [FIXED] but this does not seem possible.