I am getting the following error when Running fish code (created in Flac3D V5) with Flac3D V7 : “Unrecognized word. You cannot create a new symbol except as part of a direct assignment.
Make certain the variable name is correct.
You can use the GLOBAL statement to explicitly declare a variable if you are certain it will be assigned a value before use.”
Have someone encountered the same error?. Do you know how could I fix it?.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Yessica,
In v7 we started differentiating between local and global variables. See: Global — FLAC3D 7.0 documentation.
Note that there is an automatic data file “converto” tool in v7.
This is a 3DEC reference, but it works the same in FLAC3D: 3DEC 7 for 3DEC 5.2 Users — FLAC3D 7.0 documentation.
Thank you for your response. I did click FLAC3D command Conversion but it did not work because it showed 13 errors
Were most of the errors associated with commands related to setting constitutive models or properties?
This is quite common as some of the property names aren’t unique and the conversion is unsure what the correct name is. In that case, it’s usually just a matter of tidying up the orange warning text by removing all the possible property names aren’t needed.
I am not able to see where the errors are. This is an example of my code:
set fish call 0 @_zonebased_bd_flac3d
set @_zonebased_bd_flag = 1 ; set _zonebased_bd_flag = 1 to update bd at the first step of any sequence of cycles // set _zonebased_bd_flag = 0 to NOT update bd
set @_zonebased_ptgc_flag = 1; set _zonebased_pt_flag = 1 to update pp and temperature at the first
then when the .fis file is getting the error at line in if _zonebased_bd_flag = 1:
fish define _zonebased_bd_flac3d
if _zonebased_bd_flag = 1
if _aa_flag = 0