Export file from rhino to 3DEC

hello everyone, when i import file to 3DEC these two messages appear. when I select 3dec in message one message two apear?

for the first message, there is something making 3dec crash… with no more information, i can not address the problem

The second message is related to the license you are using… probably it is expired (?)

If it crashed, wait for several mins, the license should come back.

i can’t upload the (wrl) file type here, so you can see it , and my license still work

just with this file, happened that

@huda, why are you using VRML (*.wrl) format to import to 3DEC? I’m not sure that 3DEC accepts this format (maybe that’s why a crash happens when trying to read it). I would recommend converting your geometry/mesh to STL or DXF formats and then loading in 3DEC.

When i use stl file there is mesh coverd the geometry and i cant make any edition

@huda, in case you still have problems with this geometry, please contact technical support