Import file to 3DEC from Rhino


I built a geometry by Rhino but when i export it to 3DEC not all geometry appeared there are missing part and this error "

bad block face geometry in subroutine NORFAC

While processing line 4 of source C:/Users/hudanihad/Documents/itasca/

3dec700/My Projects/baba.dat."

I attached 3dm file

Best regards

This error means that it can’t calculate a face normal. It usually means that the faces are very small. This can sometimes be resolved by reducing the tolerance (BLOCK TOL …)

This error can also occur when you have more than two nodes on an edge. It tries to create a triangular face from 3 nodes, but if they are all in a line, then it can’t calculate a normal. Make sure you don’t have more than 2 nodes on the same edge of the same face in your geometry.