I want to create the clump at a particular x,y,z cordinates

Hi everyone,

I need to create a single clump particle at a specific (x, y, z) position in PFC 7. While I am able to create a ball at a specified position using the following script:
I am struggling to create a clump particle at the desired position (x, y, z).

Could someone please guide me on the specific command or modifications required to generate the clump at a particular position?

Thanks in advance for your help!


model new

model large-strain on
model precision 15

model domain extent -0.1 0.1 condition destroy

geometry import ‘Particle_4.stl’
clump template create name ‘Clump1’…
geometry ‘Particle_4’ …
calculate-surface bubblepack ratio 0.6 distance 170 surfcalculate
[p= vector(0, 0, 0)]
[b = ball.create(1e-4, p)]

Use the clump generate command with number = 1 and template keywords. Then use the clump attribute position command to move the clump to the desired location.

But the issue is i kept the diameter size 1e-4 (which means that the clumps is the volume equivalent diameter of a sphere in 3D. But when i plot they are not same as shown in attached figure. Can you please guide me so the clumps can form with equivalent volume of ball.

Also if i want to put the clumps in cylindrical instead of the box. Is there any command for that “clump distribute template ‘Clump1’ box [-0.75cyl_rad] [0.75cyl_rad] [-0.75cyl_rad][0.75cyl_rad] [-0.5cyl_height] [0.5cyl_height]”

model new

model large-strain on
model precision 15

model domain extent -0.1 0.1 condition destroy

geometry import ‘Particle_4.stl’
clump template create name ‘Clump1’…
geometry ‘Particle_4’ …
calculate-surface bubblepack ratio 0.6 distance 170
[p= vector(0, 0, 0)]
[b = ball.create(1e-4, p)]
clump generate diameter size 1e-4 number 1
clump attribute position [p]

My guess is that the sum of the volumes of the pebbles that make up the clump have the equivalent volume of a sphere with diameter 1e-4. So, due to the overlapping pebbles the sphere will appear larger.

Also if i want to put the clumps in cylindrical instead of the box. Is there any command for that “clump distribute template ‘Clump1’ box [-0.75cyl_rad] [0.75cyl_rad] [-0.75cyl_rad][0.75cyl_rad] [-0.5cyl_height] [0.5cyl_height]. I want to fill cylindric vessel.

In that case just distribute the clumps inside an oversized box and delete the clumps that lie outside of the cylinder.