Is there a way to easily vizualize variable boundary conditions in FLAC3D

I am apply variable boundary conditions in space. For instance a stress-normal that increase with depth such as the following command:

zone face apply stress-normal 0 gradient (0, 0, -1.2e4)

Is there a way to easily visualize the gradient in the boundary conditions? It would be very convenient to cross check the model definition.

I have tried to use zone surface faces in the plot window but it does not seem to work.

I the example image the face 3 in dark red as a gradient bc applied to it yet it is only shown as a single color.

My current alternative is to write a python script to grab the load from the gridpoint and plot them in a python plot but that is relatively tedious.

Is there a better alternative?

Plot Item Vectors → Applied Force could be used.

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