I created a liner but the liner is not developed completely. Based on my line of code, I specified that the liner should go as deep as 1 foot below the excavation limit. However, the liner did not get to that point causing excessive deformation. You can see what I am trying to say from the links in the snippet attached. Please help
In addition, how can I remove the liner I used for an excavation stage when I am done backfilling?
I have checked it severally. I still did not know why it is not creating. I wanted the liner to go 1 or 2 ft into the ground (and that’s like giving it a coordinate of -1 or -2 in the Z-direction) but it is not creating it.
At some point, I tried to use 3ft down (-3 in the z-direction) and saw a warning message. I have attached the snippet maybe the message can lead you to how you can help me.
I have bundled the file and sent it to the email addresses. The line of code that does not work for the liner installation before excavation worked in for after MSE construction. Hopefully, they can fix that.
However, after installing the liner here. The resultant portion shows 144 invalid elements. Even though I could see the displacement node’s magnitude. Please what could be the issue?