Permeability values and model solve command

  1. In general, the permeability is soil’s property and will vary for different soils. But in flac3D, the permeability is fluid’s property. Then how will I assign different permeability values for layered soil?
  2. In commands like model solve or model solve fluid, on what basis do we decide the solving value like 1e-4 etc.

Kindly help me

Hello @sowmyaramanis,

I may be misunderstanding your question. But, (1) the permeability assignment is a zone (material) property. Maybe the fact that it is assigned by zone fluid property command is confusing.

(2) The limit to which the model is considered to be in equilibrium is the user’s choice. Some simple models may achieve mechanical (or fluid) equilibrium with a convergence criteria of 1e-4, other more complicated models may need a smaller convergence value. A great place to learn about solving to equilibrium is provided here - Reaching Equilibrium — Itasca Software 9.0 documentation

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