Slope analysis with different mesh resolution

Hello Itascans,

I would like to represent a slope using a different mesh resolution in FLAC v.8. The domain must be very large, as the slope being analysed is 2700m long and 700m high. As can be seen from this sketch, I would like to generate a coarse mesh (e.g. 100m) for the lower part of the slope, and a more resolved mesh for the upper part (e.g. 10m):

Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?

You can use Build->Generate->Geometry Builder to create the mesh, and select ‘Apply density multiplier’ option to densify the upper mesh.

Hello Jwang and thank you for your reply!

I should have solved the mesh problem thanks to your advices.
I did not use the slope geometry interface since my slope is a little bit more articulated in terms of geometry. I just created two boxes grids and then I modified their resolution (10m for the bottom box and 2m for the upper one). I then used different lines (i.e., gen line command) to shape the slope. This is the script that I wrote:

set gravity 9.81 ; m/s2
config creep thermal extra 5
grid 1801,100
gen 0.0,0.0 0.0,300.0 3000.0,300.0 3000.0,0.0 i=1,301 j=1,31
gen 0.0,300.0 0.0,500.0 3000.0,500.0 3000.0,300.0 i=302,1802 j=1,101
; Define material models
model elastic i=1,300 j=1,30
model elastic i=302,1801 j=1,100
; Attach grids
attach aside from 302,1 to 1802,1 bside from 1,31 to 301,31
gen line 0 0 0 406
gen line 0 406 650 406
gen line 650 406 650 356
gen line 650 356 950 300
gen line 950 300 2650 130
gen line 2650 130 2650 0

And I got this result:

However, by setting two different mesh resolutions in my domain, I have this kind of geometric problem:

In which a geometric bug lies at the boundary between the two meshes.
Do you have any idea how I can solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

You can use keyword’ ‘skipedge’ at the end of the 'generate line xxx ’ command to avoid the geometry problem, however, using ‘generate line’ command will create triangle zones along the slope, which is not recommended. You can send the geometry data to, we can take a look.