Total Strain Increment in FLAC2D

Hello everyone,
I want to ask what does the quantity tsi and tsr convey in FLAC2D is. Currently, I am using the version 8.0, and this is the contour option for tsi and tsr. I cannot create a plot or history for tsi and tsr:
I tried calculating incremental principal elastic strain using strain invariant J2 and obtained incremental plastic strain using e_plastic. I tried to add them but that also didn’t serve the purpose. I tried looking in the manual but couldn’t find anything about this. Can anyone please convey this?
Thanking You.

The tsr/tsi is equal to sqrt (e11^2+e22^2+e33^2+e12^2) (note for plane strain, e33=0), where e11/exx is the strain component in x direction and e22/eyy is the strain component in y direction and e33/ezz is the strain component in z direction. The formulation is used in a model where damage is a combination of tensile and shear failures, and the best criterion to represent damage is “total” strain. The tsr/tsi can be used for contour plot in FLAC8, but not available for history/fish function. You can use fsr()/fsi() intrinsic fish functions to compute the total strain, please check Fish manual Section Strain Calculations on page 2-47 for details.