Hi @itascan @dblanksma,
I am using FLAC 3D V9.0 to run a fully coupled as well as de-coupled fluid-mechanical interaction for a staged construction of embankment over soft soil.
While I am doing Uncoupled analysis, for the consolidation analysis, when I turn the fluid flow on and tun off the mechanical, the deformation observed is a straight line. does it mean that fluid flow has no effect on this. I think there should be some change even if it is not that significant. What could be the possible reasons for this?
In simple terms, the fluid calculations take care of the fluid and are not reflected in the soil skeleton until after you turn mechanical on and allow for the stresses and deformations to “receive” the effects/information from the fluid. You can do a very simple case of tracking pore pressures, total stresses, and effective stresses in the simple soil column. You can turn gravity on calculate total stresses, initiate pore pressures with fluid on and mech off. At this point you will see that the effective stress will be equal to the total stresses. The you can you turn mech on and that’s only when the effective stresses = total stresses - pp.