Few question form 5.2 to 7.0

Hello, I used 3DEC 5.2 before. I try to do the same things in 3DEC7.0. I meet some problem and have some question.

  1. In the “3DEC 5.2 to 7.0 Command Map” mention that PROPERTY has no longer supported. But I see the 3DEC → Example-> Sliding Wedge there is a command “block property density 2e-3” I want to know is this the property that we used in 5.2version and what the unit is it?

  2. Why when you want to fix multiple block using “block fix range group“ have to use “or” not “and”?

  3. Is there any way to set the Layout when I open the 3dec7.0? I have to change the layout to the one I prefer everytime . But I didn’t meet this problem in 5.2.

4.How to use “History time” from 5.2 to 7.0? And how to output data for a txt file?

  1. I meet some problem when I run the model. I turn on the plot and add block using my right click holding and check my model. And the model would be stuck that I have to shut down the program and restart it. My version in 7.00.147. When you try this just hold the right button of mouse and rotate for a few seconds.

Here is my code:

;;;with gap
model new
model config dy lh
block t gap 0.00002
;;sliding slope
block create brick -1.9927 0 -0.2 2.3746 -0.2 0.2
block cut joint-set dip 0 dip-direction 0 origin 0 1 0

block delete range position-y 1 9999999999
;poly brick 310cos,0,thickness, 310sin+30cos, channel wide
block cut joint-set dip 60 dip-direction 90 origin 0 -0.15 0
;thickness 0.5 0.5cos
block delete range plane below dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0 -0.15 0
block cut joint-set dip 30 d-d 270 origin -1.9927 2.3746 0
block delete range plane above dip 30 d-d 270 origin -1.9927 2.3746 0
;hight 50cm 50*sec
block cut joint-set dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0 0.7778 0
block delete range plane above dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0 0.7778 0

block group ‘4’

block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 00 origin 0 0 0.15
block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 00 origin 0 0 -0.15

block hide on range position-z -0.15 0.15
block group ‘5’

block hide off

block hide on range group ‘5’

block cut joint-set dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0.00000 0.001 0.000000
block hide on range plane above dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0.00000 0.001 0.000000
block group ‘1’
block hide on

;;deposited area
block create brick 0 0.005 0 0.5 -1 1.01
block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 0.15
block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 -0.15

block del range position-z -0.151 0.151
block group ‘3’

block hide on

block create brick 0 1.5 -0.1 0 -1.00 1.00
block group ‘2’
block hide on

block create brick 0 1.5 0 0.30 -1.005 -1.00
block create brick 0 1.5 0 0.30 1.00 1.005

block group ‘3’
block hide on

block hide off

block hide on range group ‘4’

block join on
block hide on
block hide off range group ‘4’

block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 0.144
block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 -0.144

block del range position-z -0.151 -0.144
block del range position-z 0.144 0.151
block hide on
block hide off range group ‘4’

block join on

block cut joint-set dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0 0.063391 0
block delete range plane above dip 60 d-d 90 origin 0 0.063391 0

block cut joint-set dip 30 d-d 270 origin -0.5000067 0.865987 0
block delete range plane below dip 30 d-d 370 origin -0.5000067 0.865987 0

block cut joint-set dip 30 d-d 270 origin -0.516069 0.893699 0
block delete range plane above dip 30 d-d 370 origin -0.516069 0.893699 0

block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 0.016
block delete range plane above dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 0.016

block cut joint-set dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 -0.016
block delete range plane below dip 90 d-d 0 origin 0 0 -0.016

block hide off
model gravity 0 -9.81 0
block fix range group ‘1’ or ‘2’ or ‘3’ or ‘5’

block property density 1170 range group ‘1’ or ‘2’ or ‘3’ or ‘5’
block property density 2750 range group ‘4’

In version 7 you can no longer assign properties to a property number. You must assign properties directly to blocks if they are rigid (BLOCK PROPERTY DENSITY …) or to zones if the blocks are deformable (BLOCK ZONE PROPERTY …). As always, you can use whatever set of units you like, as long as you are consistent (see here). If the density is 2e-3, most likely you are using MPa stress units, so the density is x10^6 kg/m^3.

If you use ‘or’ with a range, it will include blocks with any of specified group names. If you use ‘and’ then the block is only selected if it has all of the specified groups assigned (in different slots).

Unfortunately you can’t fix the layout right now - this is a bug that needs fixing.

To record a history of time use MODEL HIS MECH TIME-TOTAL. To write s history to a file, use the HISTORY EXPORT command.

For your plotting problem, try this


I have two curiosities.
In 3dec 5.2 which command is associated with the “block contact generate-subcontacts” command?
How can I assign a friction value between two groups?
ex: block contact property friction 27 group-int ‘A’ ‘B’
Thanks in advance