Issue when plotting stereonet and axes (potential bug?)

I’m experiencing some issues when trying to plot both a stereonet and an axes in 3DEC (a blue background of sorts appears in the stereonet which is undesired). Both stereonet and axes plot as expected when plotted separately.

Has anyone else experienced this issue before? If so, how did you resolve it? Alternatively, it could be a potential bug?

I’m using 3DEC from Itasca Windows 9.1.13. I haven’t tested to see whether the issue occurs in FLAC3 too.

Thank you in advance.


I am unable to reproduce this. I tried directly on a laptop and also with remote desktop. Which stereonet plot item is this? Does the same thing happen for all (block zone stresses, joint orientations, fracture orientations). Are you on remote desktop?

I expect this is computer dependent. Are your graphics card drivers up to date?