Re-initializing the displacements, velocities and yield states


I want to ask some questions about the wharf example given in FLAC3D website.
After each construction stage, the displacements, velocities, yield states are set to 0 for zone elements, the displacements and rotations are set to 0 for structural elements.

The stress states for zones and the internal forces for structural elements are transferred to the next stages as independent from the adjustments above. Therefore, we actually transfer the effects of previous stages to the next stages.

When the static analysis is ended, shouldn’t the velocities be 0 already? Can you clarify why we should set the velocity to 0?

Disregarding the yield states for zone elements before moving on to the next stage is something very important. We cannot transfer the effect of plastification to the next stages. Can you clarify why we should set the yield states 0?

Can you clarify why we should set the displacement to 0?

Kind Regards,

Hello @cgulenc,
At the end of the static stage the velocities should be near zero if the model is considered to be in equilibrium. So, in practicality zero’ing out the velocities does not really matter in the next stage.

Resetting the zone yield state is specific to this example since it assumes that initially there has been no plasticity. The assumption is that any plasticity will occur during later loading. i.e. during the dynamic part of the simulation.

Similarly, resetting the displacements to zero is necessary because the accumulated displacement during the initial static stage is not relevant until the dynamic loading stage.

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Thank you very much for your reply.

Kind Regards,