Unable to Plot or See the displacement and load plots

Dear @itascan
I have tried all possible ways that I know to query my output so I can view the displacement plot.
I noted that the number of steps is 11, I set the horizontal axis to a range of 1-11 and noticed my displacement ranges from 0 to 1e-3 but I still cannot view the displacement.
Please help!

By default, the sampling interval for history is every 10 steps, you may decrease the interval via history interval [i] command, so more history data can be sampled

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Oh, great! It is good to know that. However, I just did and still having the same issue.


  1. refreshing the plot
  2. remove the sqaure brackets on the history interval command
  3. Check that the plot series has solid color line
  4. If all else fails, try and make a new plot with zone history.

Thank you! I created a new plot and it worked. However, I have two more concerns

  1. The plots are negative, How do I make it to be plotted positively?
  2. I am interested in plotting displacement vs depths, how can I do this?

I would

appreciate your help!

  1. You can select the reverse checkboxes for the X or Y axes from the Series dropdown:

  2. If you want to create a plot of displacement (or any zone attribute) at locations in space you will need to use Zone Field Data. The instructions to use this logic are given here.

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I appreciate your help!