Creating Contact Model DLLs from the MSVS Project Template


When i try to follow the manual step by step to create a UCM with C++ template, it always show this error.
Is there any friends who has meet this problem? How to solve it?

Best regards

Dear Xutao,

The contact model template project appears to be broken at the moment.
I uploaded a PluginFiles archive at
This archive contains an example contact model under PluginFiles\contactmodel\example.
Please use this example as a starting point to implement your custom contact model, and do not hesitate to come back to me for further assistance.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,
Sacha Emam


Dear Sacha Emam,

I compiled a contact model with the PluginFiles archive you shared, but the stress function getOldStress cannot access the stress value.
How can I solve this problem?

Best regards,
Weichen Sun

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I followed the instructions on the “Creating Contact Model DLLs from the MSVS Project Template” page of the Contact Model Plug-Ins site on the Itasca website, but when I try to create the new project from the Itasca Contact Model template in Visual Studio 2019 (as recommended), I get this error: