Error reported when using MSVS project template to create contact model

I followed the instructions on the “Creating Contact Model DLLs from the MSVS Project Template” page of the Contact Model Plug-Ins site on the Itasca website, but when I try to create the new project from the Itasca Contact Model template in Visual Studio 2019 (as recommended), I get this error:

Just a wild guess, but maybe the template file on the website is outdated/buggy.
At least from my experience those often have misconfigurations at new releases. Also, depending on your code version, you may at least need Visual Studio 2022.

Try uninstalling the template file and re-installing with the .vsix file supplied with the (current version of) the code, e.g. in the “ItascaSoftware900\PluginFiles”-folder.

Thank you for your reply and assistance. I used Visual Studio 2019 and the.vsix file in the “ItascaSoftware900\PluginFiles”-folder. This is because the manual recommends using VS 2019 16.7.5 or later.
Do you think using VS2022 may fix this error?Thank you for your suggestion. I will try VS2022.
Is it possible that there is an issue with Qt version mismatch? Can you recommend a version of Qt?

I never tried it for PFC, I only use custom models in Flac3D/3DEC, which don’t require Qt. But the error does not indicate anything about Qt and seems more like a general problem of the template file itself.

If you are sure that you have the latest subversion and installed the right project template, then maybe the easiest way would be to simply create a support request at the Itasca site and let them figure it out. :wink:

Thank you very much for your guidance and help.

There is a known issue with .vsix template file that comes with PFC 7.0. Here is a link to the corrected template file.
Also, keep in mind, this template file was generated with Visual Studio 2019 16.7.15. If you are using the newer versions (much newer) of VS this template file may not work.

Thank you very much for your help, but I have tried many times but cannot open this link. Could you please help me send this template to my email:

Best regards,
Junxiu Liu

Dear Sir, may I ask if there are any requirements for the “Qt Visual Studio Tools extension version” if Qt version 5.14.2 is used?

Yes, the Qt Visual Studio Extension should be no greater than version 2.4.1.

Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your help. I have installed the template you sent me and successfully created a custom model.
However, the created model still has compilation issues, such as cannot open include file: ‘executionstack.h’, an error occurred while attemping to open ‘qmutex.h’, etc.
The following is the software version I have used: Visual Studio 2019 16.7.15, qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.14.2, and the Qt Visual Studio Tools extension (qt-vsaddin-msvc2019-2.4.1-rev.12.vsix).
Can you help me solve these problems again? Thanks you very much!

Best regards,
Junxiu Liu