Creation of smooth joint in cylindrical sample generated using Material modeling support pacakage

Dear all,
I hope everyone is doing well. I am using material modelling support package to create cylindrical sample and to apply the load. I want to incorporate a joint in the sample, for the same to do I have used the following simple commands for matgen.p3dvr in ft.fis in mpMake() function just before saving the matV. With this I can be able to generate material with a joint with smoothjoint properties. However, when i want to do compression test on the sample, In @ctSeatingPhase sample is getting sheared along the joint and not exiting the Seating phase calculations.
I thought that I can assign very large friction value during seating phase and run through @ctLoadingPhase, but my stress strain plot (attached) is not as expected. Could please help me in getting this correct.

fracture create dip 30 dip-direction 90 size 20.0
; Set dfn properties to be assigned to intersecting contacts
fracture property ...
         'sj_kn' 2e9 'sj_ks' 2e9 'sj_fric' 0.6 ...
         'sj_coh' 0.0 'sj_ten' 0.0 'sj_large' 1

; Apply smoothjoint contact model to contacts intercepted by fracture
fracture contact-model model 'smoothjoint' install dist 0.003

; Ensure new contacts intersecting the fracture are set to the sj contact model
fracture contact-model model 'smoothjoint' activate
  if mv_type == 0 then
    ft_SetTitle( [cm_matName + ' material in physical vessel.'] )
    ft_SaveState( cm_matNameSAV, 'matV' )

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Harshavardhan,
I will refer you to @dpotyondy. He developed the Material Modeling Support package and may be able to help you with your questions.

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