FOS calculation for modified cam clay model (MCC) in FLAC 2D/3D

Hello, @itascan and @everyone,
WhatsApp Image 2024-11-30 at 12.26.34_3f1f5ab9

Does the error suggest, FLAC 2D/3D cannot compute ‘Factor of Safety’ with Modified Cam Clay model?

How can we compute FOS with Modified Cam Clay model?

You cannot compute a FoS with a critical state models like Cam-Clay, Norsand etc. because these models are highly non-linear, describing the continuous evolution of soil behavior under stress and state changes ultimately approaching critical state.

They therefore don’t have a defined failure surface as with the Mohr-Coulomb model which is a elasto-plastic simplification of shear strength behaviour and only depends on the mobilised shear stress to compare to the failure point.

For these critical state models the behaviour of the soil depends on the evolution of stress and state in turn controlled through sometimes up to 13 parameters which cannot be linearly scaled - thus the “does not support property scaling” error.

You would need to assess your stability in a critical state framework - critically evaluating evolving stress and state paths in relation to the critical state and instability loci as well as contractive/dilative behaviour of the soil to determine your margins of stability.