PFC 2D :How to apply the smooth joint contact between different groups in PFC2D 6.00.25 version

How to apply the smooth joint contact between different groups in PFC2D 6.00.25 version? (Please the attached) .

I know "contact groupbehavior " command in PFC2D 6.00.13 version can realize this goal. But the command is not availabe in the PFC2D 6.00.25 version.

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Hello Xiongyu,
The command contact groupbehavior was replaced by the matches keyword available in the range group logic. Here is a description of the keyword.
An example of distinguishing contacts between different object groups is provided in “Using the CMAT” tutorial. You can find this tutorial here. Scroll to the section called “Using Additional Slots” It explains how to use the matches keyword to distinguish contacts based on group types.

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Hello dblanksma
Thank you for this useful information.

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I was following CMAT tutorial but had a problem with it. I’m using example files to perform a UCS test and apply a smoothjoint model to the group of balls located in a horizontally centred group of balls. When I assign the smoothjoint model to this group, all other contacts “disappears”, and the model starts to fall apart. What am I missing?


It’s difficult to say what the problem is exactly. I suggest sending your model to

Thanks for the reply. I will ask them. By the way, do you know what is the best way to assign new contact models to a specific group of balls?

Yes, the best way to assign contact models based on ball groups is to use the range logic with the group and matches keywords. An example of this for the cmat is given in Inclusions in a Matrix - PFC 7.0

The same range logic can be applied to existing contacts with the contact model command.

To be honest, I was trying the same with the codes between “Lines 24 and 28” but probably made some mistakes. As you know, when you use a material modelling support package, all balls come with the same contact model, and I tried to change some of the contacts between “range group” but failed.

I will try it again.