Query while using print command in FLAC2D

Hello all,
In the C++ code of Strain softening, the following are the variables which are initialised:
Here, the initial variables namely:
Bulk Mod, Shear Mod, Young’s Mod, Poisson, Cohesion, Friction, Dilation,Tension,cTab,FTab,DTab and TTab
are those whose properties are input by the user.
Apart from these variables sich as e1,e2,g2,etc are used for the functioning of constitutive model.
When I tried to work on a 5x5 grid and applied the command “print e1”, this is the output.
What is the way to print these variable or any other newly defined variable.
Please convey

Those are internal variables, cannot be printed out.

What if I make new variables by name (e.g. test)
Can these be printed?

Are you building your own UDM? If yes, then you can add those variable to the output list
and use getproperty() to get those values.

Can you elaborate a little?
Let us suppose I add test_ variable as follows:
ModelExample::ModelExample() : bulk_(0.0), shear_(0.0), cohesion_(0.0), friction_(0.0), dilation_(0.0), tension_(0.0), e1_(0.0), e2_(0.0), g2_(0.0), nph_(0.0), csn_(0.0), sc1_(0.0), sc2_(0.0), sc3_(0.0), bisc_(0.0), e21_(0.0), rnps_(0.0), test_(0.0)

This test variable is not an input variable(For my work). I want to store data such as zone ID/strain produced, etc., in it.
What shall I do next?

You also need a property name for variable test_ , check the ssoft code to find out how the plastic shear strain: ‘es_plastic’ is calculated.

I looked through complete modelss.cpp model
I couldn’t understand how is e_plastic being implemented.
I even searched for “e_plastic”
Is it being denoted by some other value?

You have essentially posted the same question three times in different threads and are clearly not understanding how the C++ UDM models work. So here is the simplest explanation I can think of:

Any property of your model, that you want to be able to store or plot (lets just say “bulk_”) needs to have a corresponding entry in the getProperty() and/or setProperty() routine. So in your case, just look at “bulk_” in the c++ file and see where and how it is used in those functions and then just do the same things for your custom “test_” variable.

If this still does not help in any way, I strongly suggest to consult the manual on user-defined models, where these things are described (albeit admittedly quite short). Again, just do the same things that is done for the other variables and you should be able to plot your test_ value. But please don’t open another thread for the same question tomorrow :wink: