Layout menu item

How can I activate the menu item ‘layout’ (Layout Menu — Itasca Software 9.0 documentation)?
I do not see it when I open the GUI. and the plot window does not show properly, thus I wanted to reset the layout. is there an equivalent FLAC command instead?

Hello @JuDi,

Changing the layout was part of the old gui in FLAC3D 7.0. It is no longer an option in FLAC3D 9.0 and up. It seems like that old part of the documentation from 7.0 wasn’t taken out for 9.0.

How does the plot window not show properly?

Derrick, I see.
See the screenshot below. the entire area - what I think is called workspace - was not seen anywhere. Though it showed me the area, which plot items are visible in the open plot.
I opened FLAC sample files, and all looked fine. So I had the idea it is a glitch in the *.prj file. I managed to retrieve a history of the file and got the workspace back when opening that historical *.prj file. So, fixed for now on my end.